Monday, November 2, 2015

November 1st - Ezal's baptism

Hahaha! That's quite the story there. I'm glad that I have never encountered a situation like that. On a brighter side I'm very happy for nana and the success she is having in life. She is a great example to me and to the ward. Keep up the good work!

On Saturday we had Ezal's baptism and it was great! I always enjoy seeing an investigator become a member. I had the honor to confirm her on Sunday, and her teacher and former bishop in our ward baptized her. Even though she's only a 11 years old, she has a strong testimony that God can bless us through other people. She has changed so much since the first time we taught her 2 months ago. She  has a desire to serve a mission and enjoys reading The Book of Mormon. She invited her 2 friends that were visiting to join us in our 2 discussions so she'll be ready in no time. One of the best parts of being a missionary is being able to help others strengthen their faith in Christ and walk in His ways. 

I also found out on Saturday that I am being transferred :( I am sad because I only had 3 months here and because we had more baptisms coming this transfer, but I'm happy because the Lord has called me to serve in another part of His vineyard. I gained 5 lbs while I was here. I will definitely miss all the food but more importantly, the people here. It definitely feels like I'm leaving home. 

I testify that the church is true and the members are imperfect. We are led through divine revelation in order to help perfect the imperfect.


Elder Brown

We take the sacrament to her little place cause she has polio.  That's her little space she lives in.
Last seeing this area....going into my 3rd transfer!

Mom you like my candy shorts?  haha

Michael Jordan style

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