Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 3rd - Last email

Hello Family!

Well this past week was my last and right now I'm back here at the mission office. 

This week was a great one because it ended with 4 baptisms and confirmations. 4 people that we are sure will be strong contributing members in the church. 

Again I'm grateful for the time I've had to serve here. I had my last interview with President Kotter and it went really well. He gave me a lot of great counsel and I asked him for a priesthood blessing. I have strengthened my testimony in the power and authority of the priesthood while I've been here on my mission and as I've exercised it. It truly is a blessing to be a member in Christ's true church where His authority can only be found.

Even though it's cliche it's very true. Serving a full-time mission as an Elder truly is the best two years. I will miss this work more than I miss you guys and it's sad to think that it is coming to an end. Or in another sense as Elder Holland put it, coming down from a mountain and not wanting tomorrow. I will forever be in debt to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ and all they have done for me as I served in their vineyard. I feel that the Lord has accepted my service and offering and it was confirmed in the priesthood blessing I received earlier this afternoon.

I really hope to be able to return one day to be a member present here. Missionary work is the best work of all works there ever were. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's only true church on the face of this earth and that only here families can be together forever in the presence of our God.

See yall soon!

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