Congrats to Brooke for becoming a seminary graduate. I promise that everything you learned will help you on your mission. I have come to know that for myself while I have been serving here. I am glad that I never had the desire to skip seminary or never felt that it was "uncool" to be active in seminary. It has helped me a lot as a missionary.
To answer your question mom I refer you to D&C 82:10: "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." Amen.
This past week was an awesome one because we had another baptism. Its always nice to have a baptism but it feels even better when you feel that the candidate will remain an active and faithful member of the church and will bless her family and friends. She's definitely special because we originally found her in the area book when we first got here opening the area. There was also a little map drawn on there and one of the previous missionaries wrote that she is a golden investigator. Now us being smart missionaries of course went out to find her. We failed and that was about it. Later that week we just decided that we would go tracting in her area again but not with much thought of finding her. So we get to the first home in a skinny alley and there was a woman there just sitting and staring at us almost in shock/disbelief. I thought she was thinking of an excuse to tell us why she can't listen to our message but we introduced ourselves and immediately she asked if we knew the missionaries that taught her before. We were surprised but we didn't know that she was the one we were looking for till we got home and found that she matched the description and the map. We didn't know immediately because she gave us her nickname. She told us that she was surprised that we showed up and that no one came with us to show us where she lives. The Holy Ghost is a man's best friend.
Long story short her prayer has been answered. She prayed a long time ago to know how and if her sins would be forgiven if she got baptized again. For a long time she said nothing happened and that she didn't feel anything special when being taught by the other missionaries. She was born catholic, became muslim a couple years ago but returned to catholic. I feel as if the Lord has prepared us for her and her for us because she said that it was different when we taught her and that she could open up and be herself around us. In short she said that she could feel the spirit. She said she loves the feeling of being baptized and having the spirit with her. She has definitely been a blessing in our life.
In other news we attended Iglesia Ni Cristo's broadcast (similar to our General Conference) and to be honest and short in what I learned, I couldn't be more sure that the Lord's true church and servants are only found here in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We also taught a daughter of a member last night and she's not a member but of another faith. I can't tell you all that happened but lets just say that nothing can stop the work from progressing. This work will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent. There is no evidence that the Book of Mormon is false and no evidence that Joseph Smith was not called of God and given divine authority and revelations from the Almighty. The bible, book of mormon, D&C, and the pearl of great price are nothing compared to a living prophet and last but not least, this is the Lord's true and only church. I also know that God hears and answers our prayers.
Have faith and be patient in the Lord in all things.
Elder Brown

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