Sunday, April 3, 2016

March 27th - Build barges like unto a dish

Well looks like we're in the same boat. We've been trying to increase our teaching pool also. This past week we had a great district meeting workshop about asking for referrals. We decided to apply it and hey it works! Haha. According to church statistics that 1 out of 8 referrals leads to a baptism. And 1 out of 200 contacts from tracting will lead to 1 baptism. So I ask you, which one sounds better? Of course referrals. We received 7 referrals this past week from an active member. She is always talking to us about potential investigators for us so that helps a lot.

We also wanted to meet more members this week. There's a ton of in and less-actives here. A lot of the reasons why they are like that is because something changed and they are waiting for the right time. But thats about it. They are just waiting with ho works involved. They do believe they'll return someday. It's sad to see but the reason can always be tied back to how well they held on the iron rod. All of them answer that they aren't reading because they are busy. Realistically, there really is no person too busy to read at least 1 or 10 verses of scripture. 

Something I loved from my personal study is found in Ether. The Jaredites were commanded to build barges and they built them according to the instructions of the Lord. The Lord wanted them to be tight like unto a dish. Who knows how the Jaredites wanted it. The important thing is is that they followed the Lord. Later we find out exactly why they had to be tight like a dish. We learn that as the Jaredites were on their journey they were swallowed up and beat upon by the ocean and its waters. But they were safe because of 2 things: The barges were tight like unto dishes, and they cried unto the Lord for their safety. And the result was that the Lord raised them up above the waters. Great lessons to be learned here:

1- If we keep the commandments of the Lord our faith will be strengthened. We will grow strong against the many waves and storms of life such as temptations and trials. Basic commandments such as scripture study and prayer, and all the primary child answers. It also goes to show that Helaman 5:12 is very true and fulfilled here in a literal sense.

2- Prayer is effective and prayer works. If we pray to God and we are doing what's right, He will hear us and will be there to rescue us. 

I am reminded of Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. God told him that if he were faithful in his trials God would exalt him on high and that he would triumph over his foes. Just like the Jaredites and the monsters in the sea and the monstrous waves of the sea. 

I know that what I shared is true and that the Lord needs people who are willing and ready to keep His commandments.


Elder Brown

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