Always good to hear that you all had a great week and it's always bad to hear that utah had success :( hahaha
This week has been really good and we have had a lot of success. We've set high goals for our work that we are doing. We did a lot of finding and extended quite a few baptismal dates. A lot of our investigators still need more time before they accept anything. We worked very hard this week and had the best week in the three we've been together. Our proselyting area hasn't had a baptism in over a year and a couple months. A lot of baptisms here have become less-active. We're not only determined to have baptisms but to help them experience lasting conversion. We're almost there :) I can't believe that I'll be home in less than a year. As my year mark approaches I still can't believe how fast it has been. I don't wanna go home. I've had a lot of dreams where I've arrived at the airport or I'm at home and just having chill time and talking with all of you. It feels so real I call it a nightmare. Thank goodness missions are 2 years.
Conference was great for me. Just one thing I wanna share from what one of the many things I loved was when Elder Gary E. Stevenson said that the Lord will qualify those whom he calls to the work. That meant to me that my inadequacies place me in the center of the potter's plate thingy and I am ready to be molded by the Master. I also enjoyed Elder Holland's talk about a mother's love and the atonement. To you mom, I just wanna say thank you. A big thank you and a big I love you.
I also love you all too.
Elder Brown
Christmas has started here. Getting very christmasy around here.

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