Hello Family!
Sorry for the late one again, "The South Pacific Men's Choir" (our acapella group name apparently) was busy with choir practice again. President Guanzon enjoyed our musical number at the mission tour so much he wanted us recorded so he can put us on cd haha. It's a lot of fun doing it.
Sorry for the late one again, "The South Pacific Men's Choir" (our acapella group name apparently) was busy with choir practice again. President Guanzon enjoyed our musical number at the mission tour so much he wanted us recorded so he can put us on cd haha. It's a lot of fun doing it.
Man I don't know where to start! I guess to give you an idea I'll teach you a tagalog word that I like a lot. The word is "magpakabusog" meaning "feast". "Magpakabusog kayo sa mga salita ni Cristo" meaning "feast upon the words of Christ". So "magpaka-" means "to exert effort to become" and "busog" means "full". Directly translate it and it means "to exert effort to become full"! Cool huh? So why do I share that?
This weak was a spiritual feast for sure! The mission tour is the time given to us where the Second Counselor, Elder Allen D. Haynie, of the Philippines Area Presidency got to visit, teach, and inspire us. We received a lot of great counsel. Quick funny moment when we got to go up and shake hands and greet him and his wife. Here was our conversation:
EH: Elder Brown where are you from?
Me: Utah
EH: What part?
Me: Woods Cross
EH: Really? What high school did you go to?
Me: Woods Cross
EH: I'm sorry Elder. But we can't be friends. I went to Bountiful.
He then explained briefly to everyone that we went to rival high schools and told me to take a seat all the way in the back. Haha he was a really funny and cool guy. So there's that for ya.
I wish I could tell every single detail with you but it wouldn't be enough. You just had to be there. He counselled us on being "full-purpose missionaries", and to the stake he talked about the importance of the ward council, and keeping the sabbath day holy. I never thought that about the ward council could inspire one so much and have the spirit so strong. Everyone in the room was enlightened and had good laughs with Elder Haynie. He made the tour and the saturday session interesting by teaching us about D&C 43:8-10 and how we enlighten EACH OTHER. We all need to be involved. He turned it into a discussion and we all taught each other just as he did to us. Ward councils are great because it involves the women and isn't just a Priesthood Executive Meeting. Men are always half right and the women are so important in the council. He also stressed the importance of Family Home Evening and also having Family Council. FHE is for fun and games and of course a SHORT lesson that MUST be prepared by the FATHER and not the typical "mom can handle it" situation. Family Councils are for fixing and finding solutions to problems in families.
All the sunday session speakers spoke about the sabbath day and keeping it holy. Elder Haynie used Abraham 5:2-3 to explain that the sabbath was a day that was counseled among the Gods, to be a day that would be sanctified and a day to rest from all their labors. It was clearly planned and counseled among the Gods, not just a day because they said "hey we're tired lets rest. Sound good?" It's a day that took thought and counsel among the greatest of all.
In the words of 3 Nephi 26:6, there cannot be written in this [email] even a hundredth part of the things which [Elder Haynie] taught. It truly was an awesome week. I just want you to know that I'm happy, no other place I wanna be, and that I seek to apply all that I learned this past week.
I love you all and have a great week
Elder Brown
Tom's letter to Elder Brown and Elder Brown's reply:
Mission tour
MTC companions: Elder Nibarger & Elder Simmons
Elder Ravens & Elder Temeras
Tom's letter to Elder Brown and Elder Brown's reply:
At the Railroad!Man I feel for Taysom. Even though it was hard it was a really fun 3 months for me. I was just thinking about it this past week--my injury, and I couldn't remember where I woke up. It finally came to me and I remembered that you were there when I woke up. And I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for always being there for me even when I'm in the deepest of sleeps or even thousands of miles away, an email always means a lot.
Thank you also for the BYU update!!! That was awesome watching that!!! That's super crazy I miss seeing those BYU miracles and that'll definitely be one for the books. If you ever see a "Lene Lesatele" play, he served in my mission and we were in the same zone. He's really cool. I sent some pics of him and me and Lee-Lo early in my training in Ligao zone. That's a cool tweet that Mangum put up. I remember hearing his name a looong time ago and now his name is big again. That's cool. Thank you very much again for the update. I don't know if writing books are my thing. I can read them but writing is a whole nother level haha.LoveElder Brown
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Tomasi Brown <tomasibrown@me.com> wrote:
Hi son,
Thought you might enjoy a little BYU football news.
They played Nebraska in Lincoln and what a game it was. The bad news first...Taysom Hill is out for the season-again. Poor guy, he fractured his foot just like you did while running in for a touchdown. Yup, Lisfranc injury. Hopefully he'll get a medical waiver to play one more year since this is his Senior year.
So, the backup QB, Tanner Mangum comes in with about 10 minutes left in the game and does well. Now down to 1 second left in the game and he throws a 42 yard Hail Mary and Mitch Mathews is there to catch it! It was awesome!! Best ending where--similar to that U game with Beck to Harline. I'm inserting the video so I hope you can watch it.
Here's another pic from Twitter of Tanner Mangum and what he tweeted before he left for his mission to Chile I believe...
Can you believe he's only been back 3 months? He's a great example and role model. Side note: He was the co-MVP of the "Elite 11", the national camp for the top high school QBs in the nation. Who was the co-MVP? The former Heisman winner from Florida State--Jameis Winston. Pretty cool right?
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy that. Proud of all the good you're doing out there son. I'm sure you're learning so much about not only the gospel, the people and others, but yourself. Keep those life lessons and inspirations in your journal so you can always draw upon them. You'll probably end up writing a book like Kolipoki some day! Lol.
Hope all is well with you son. We always pray for you and know you're loved and that there millions of members who are praying for you missionaries everyday so remember that.
Ok, I'll let you go. I always enjoy reading your weekly letters and hearing your love for the work and the people. Keep it up the hard work, and giving it your all and the Lord will continue to bless you.
Love. Dad.
Mission tour
MTC companions: Elder Nibarger & Elder Simmons
Elder Ravens & Elder Temeras

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