There's so many things I want to share from what I've learned from my studies. But lets start with this past week of work. We had a fun family home evening with 3 families. It reminded me of home and after reading about the importance of bringing up children in light and truth made me realize how important it is to establish a gospel centered home. A lot of what Joseph Fielding Smith had to say about that are things that I realized I had learned from FHEs and being at home where the Gospel is the center of everything we do. I can't share just how great the impact it has had on my life. So if there is one thing that parents can do to raise their children up in the right way and in the way of the Lord, make family home evening a priority and establish today that your home will be one where the Gospel and it's principles and lessons can reside. A home where the spirit can be felt in order to teach those in the home. How grateful I am for my great-grandparents establishing this in their family and setting the example for the children to follow!
I read a powerful talk given by Jeffrey R. Holland at the Brazil MTC in 2001 called "The Miracle of a Mission". I 110% highly encourage everyone to read this. Especially those preparing to serve, thinking about serving, or have no interest at all. One thing I want to share from it is when he says missionary work "is higher and holier and more sacred and eternal than anything you've ever done. It is by definition the most important thing you can do in the world, in time or eternity. For this reason you are engaged in the saving of the human soul. And that is the highest and holiest work in the universe." It's the purpose the Savior came here to atone for us. I've been called to serve a 24 month mission and apostles devote their life. I really love when he said to "Start fast. Run hard, and to the tape! You can rest later!" Oh what a shame it would be if you were to fall short of this. In the words of Joseph Smith "after all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel." What a grand opportunity it is to be called to join the ranks of those great ones before us.
I use a lot of the new knowledge I gain and advice given from bishop in my work and in talks. Like yesterday. They only had one speaker for the day and I volunteered to speak. I love our little branch in Batan. Even though we only have an attendance less than 60, the spirit is always felt.
Never let go of the gospel truths. A lot of our new investigators have problems that the gospel can fix, all we have to do is be patient and continue to do what Christ would do. Here's a little quote that I've grown to love and has enlightened my mind and touched my heart:
"If we have a failing, if we have a weakness, there is where we should concentrate, with a desire to overcome, until we master and conquer. If a man feels that it is hard for him to pay his tithing, then that is the thing that he should do, until he learns to pay his tithing. If it is the Word of Wisdom, that is what he should do, until he learns to love that commandment."
May we all apply these words into every fiber of our body. I know that as we do so, we will be one step closer to fulfilling the commandment from our Lord and Savior of being perfect. Even as our Father in heaven.-Joseph Fielding Smith
Elder Brown
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