Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 15th - Dad's 1st letter to Elder Brown

Hi Elder Brown,

Son it's so nice getting to read 2 missionary letters every week.  You already know that's the highlight of our week.
I'm so happy to see that you're loving it in the MTC.  The one thing that always makes me so emotional is the weekly
devotionals.  My favorite part is when everyone stands up and sings "Called to Serve"!  Do they still do that?  I sure
hope so.

You are and will be blessed on your special journey son.  Heavenly Father has reserved you and your brother and sister
for these last days.  I spent 8 weeks there learning the language and gospel.  Take advantage of all your time there.  It's
definitely a once in a lifetime blessing and opportunity.

That's the one thing that will help you with the language is learning how to conjugate properly.  I think tagalog is similar to
spanish in that way.  Make sure you always help your companions and others with whatever they need.  Always find a way
to your comp daily.  I'm glad to hear that Coach Spencer's class helped out a little bit.  Btw, I'm sure mom already told you all about the
game, but there was one thing that really stood out to me.  Coach Spencer really truly cares about you guys sincerely.  You know how they always
have a little bio or they talk about a player after he makes a play?  Well, he basically knows all his players down to their parents and their personal
lives and challenges they face, etc.  The other team's coach didn't even have one bio or insight to a personal situation or challenge for any of his players.
That really stood out to me and made me grateful that you had that type of influence in your life.  He's a good man and I know he's made or is making
an impact on kids' lives.

Well, I've been trying to catch the missionary spirit as well.  I've been helping the sisters friendship a young couple.  They're not married.  They're in the late
20's and she is Samoan and he is Indian-Navajo.  Both from Arizona.  We hit it all really well.  Been there 2x now and I plan to just visit and talk story
with them every now and then.  We were supposed to teach them the first discussion, but the sisters had to leave early for a meeting.  Hopefully next week.
I'm treating the sisters to breakfast at McD's this morning and so I'm sitting here waiting for them to come.

Ok son, that's about it.  It's been really cold here--like anywhere from 5 degrees to 25% below zero.  Good thing I've been assigned to work in the dispatch
office for the last 2 weeks.  :)  A little blessing.  Know that we are so proud of you and are amazed of all the experiences your having. Esp about Grampa Iohani.   That's
pretty neat.  Keep up your awesome goals and you'll be blessed beyond measure.  I know we've been blessed greatly because of the service that you and Alton
are doing out there.  I love you son and please continue doing what you're doing.

Love Dad.

Elder Brown:  "Yup they still do, except it's not every meeting, but have done it a lot (referring to the mtc devotional).  I love the MTC devotionals here.  It's difficult but line upon line I'm getting it.  That's what I love most about Coach Spencer is that he's more about the player and their life than football.  He's very caring and lives the gospel.  I'm glad to hear that you're that Dad (Tom has been going with the missionaries teach their investigators in ND)'s like we're all serving missions!  Woooah that's cold I'm glad I'm going to the Phillippines.  Do you have any more stories about grandpa Iohani that you still remember?  You can dear them to me if you have any (room #145).  Thanks Dad for your letter.  It definitely has pushed me to be better.  Love and miss you!

Mahal kita!

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