Haha Uncle Eric is the man. I'll take that offer mom. Mostly so I can meet up with a lot of the missionaries I've met here haha. A lot of people from those countries serve here and a lot of people from here serve there. I really like what Bishop shared in sacrament meeting. I have read that story many times but I have never thought about it that way. That's the power of the scriptures.
This past week was a lot like last week in terms of the kind of people we taught. We had a lot of people say that our message and true is true and they believe it as they say but they are born in one religion and don't see why they need to switch. Yes it gets frustrating and tests my patience but as long as we are fulfilling our purpose as missionaries and doing things by the spirit, we have succeeded in the Lord's eyes. I have thought a lot about the sons of Mosiah and there experiences and also about Alma the younger and how Korihor wouldn't believe on his words. And that's coming from Alma himself!
I also gave a talk this past sunday. I was told to speak the day before and did not have a lot of time to prepare but I came up with something for "how to prevent apostasy in our own lives", the topic I was given. I was rehearsing over and over but nothing was happening. But once I was at the pulpit my talk took a different flow. I'm grateful for the spirit in my life! There's nothing like it.
The mission is still the best time of my life. I hate to say it but I am looking forward to skyping all you fools. Hope you guys don't get uglier hehehe joke.
With Love,
Elder Brown